Promotion for e-connect


Daily operations automated

What is e-Connect

Every gas delivery is accompanied by numerous documents: Order, order confirmation, delivery note, delivery confirmation, invoice, payment order, receipt of payment and many more. With electronic data exchange (EDI), data records and exchange processes are defined and programmed once. Communication is set up between your ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning) and Messer‘s SAP system: Automatic administration can begin. With electronic data exchange (EDI) you can

Administration without pushing any buttons

  • Automate and accelerate processes and save costs
  • Handle administration smoothly and error free
  • Count on the expertise of Messer’s IT security experts

With our EDI solutions, our ERP system corresponds directly with yours and manages the „paperwork“ without human intervention. Invoices, delivery notes, credit notes, quality certificates and other data records are sent electronically to your ERP system, where the digital information is processed directly. Since communication runs in both directions, your ERP system can also send data on orders, delivery confirmations and payment instructions to the Messer ERP. All you need to do is define the processes and data formats once. We offer you two options for using our EDI solution: The first consists of a standard package with predefined protocols and processes. The systems are linked via the Internet. With the second option, Messer - together with your IT department - will develop a tailor-made package of protocols, data records and processes. In both cases, your processes are optimised and accelerated so that you can save considerable administration costs with every gas delivery.

Promotion for e-connect


Daily operations automated

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